If you enjoy watching dumpster fires from a distance or leaving passive aggressive notes in the break room when Linda from marketing uses the last caramel macchiato Keurig cup (and doesn’t tell anyone), then Thinq (the publication, not the telecommunications company whose cease-and-desist order is pending) is the
magazine for your modern, progressively-centrist sensibilities.
Follow along to questions, comments, and prayers about the fallacious funhouse mirror maze that are our current times. The dedicated staff at Thinq Inc. are determined to embody every layer of the “me to me” meme and the #MeToo movement. You’ll finally have answers to burning questions like: “Coconut oil or chemo?”, “Can I will my estate to my four hairless cats?”, and “If he calls me ‘Daddy,’ what do I call his wife?”
So take your time to enjoy Thinq’s first publication with its characteristic voice and sensual sensationalism. Prepare to be riveted, enthralled, to laugh, to ugly-cry, and to ask questions like: “Can a penis really do that?”, “Is that a political ad or soft-core pornography?”, and “How is my white privilege about you, Mary?”
xx Thinq